Category: News

Brother Rodney McLean’s Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, September 17th at 3p.m.

It will be held at:

The Westwood Estate MHP

8254 134 St

Surrey BC

V3W 6M2

A catered dinner will be served at 5p.m.  The family requests that guests be limited to 13 years old and older.

RSVP:  The caterers need an accurate head count, so please email before September 12th if you plan to attend.

Our Pensioner’s Picnic will be held on Wednesday, August 9th from 11am-5pm.
Last year we had over 570 people attend.
This is a free event for All Pensioners, Members, Casuals and their Families.
There will be lots of food and games, as well as a kid’s singalong, face-painting, and a 50-50 Draw. We will also have a Live DJ.
We hope to see all of you there!
(*Please note that you will have to pay for your own parking